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Bungee Cartoons

Bizarro - Bungee Jumping alien

Dr Fun - The last thing a bungee jumper sees
Dr Fun - A visit to the La Brea Bungee Pits
David Farley gave me kind permission to use these here

Larson Cartoon
I think Gary Larson is great (this is my review)*

BC toon

Mother Goose - Why lizards shouldn't bungee jump

Eeek and Meek

Banjo Jumping

Guide Dog
This cartoon © and from John Carr. Check out his website.

bungee plop
Yet another mishap occurs at Edgar 'n' Joe's Bungee-o-rama

bungee suicide
This cartoon and A very big cartoon about bungee fishing (270K) were given to me so I don't know where they came from.

Review: The Larson cartoon can only be reproduced in the context of a review - I just reviewed it and it's great

I would also like to take this opportunity to review all the other cartoons on this page - I am an avid reader of many of the toons and am always delighted when they feature one of my favorite sports - the quality ranges from fan art to the highest quality newspaper regulars - I love them all.